Sometimes, without me meaning to, I get a country accent back.
I brought it along when I moved from West Tennessee
and it visits unexpectedly from time to time.
My friends like to say that my "Dyersburg" is showing.
And after being home for a few days, I get it bad.
Speaking of Dyersburg, southern accents and home,
I can't wait to get home..
well, my other home.
It's strange leaving home to go home.
Regardless, I. am. pumped.
But after a little rest, relaxation and road tripping,
it's off to the ATL to see Al Pal.
THE best roommate and friend I could have asked for, seriously.
(I think I've even kind of gotten used to her hugs.)
It's crazy to think that a year ago, I'd only met this girl for a brief time
and today she is one of the most incredible friends I have.
And how did we meet, you ask?
Way back in November 2009..
Allie and I attended Samford's Art Day.
You know how it goes.. the quiet ones,
the ones you have casual conversation with
just because you happen to sit beside each other.
Yep, that was us.
I made a bold move and asked her to be my roommate.
Insane on my part -- I mean, I hardly knew the girl!
But man, did God have a plan.
He created my plan for me.
And really, it's even more than that.
God created my life, my relationships,
And really, it's even more than that.
God created my life, my relationships,
my dreams, my thoughts, my actions.
Let's be real -- God created me.
Let's be real -- God created me.
He is God and He is Good.
wHo izZzz tHiss AllLllIeeee gUrrLLL tHHaatttt YOOOuuuu sPeeaaAaKKK 'bouttt? I waaAAnnnTTzzz to MeeeEetTtt hUrrrrr. GimMme HeRRR dIIggiiitZZZ